prep time: 30 min to 1 hour
items: spore syringe, click here
latex gloves
shower cap
dust mask
denatured alcohol, available
at your local grocer
shot glass
sterile room or glove
After jars have cooled over night tighten lid and prepare for inoculation.
spray innoculation surface and sorrounding area with lysol. pour denatured alcohol in shot glass. adorn gloves, shower cap,
dust mask and spray with lysol. wait a few minutes for lysol to dissipate from air. light alcohol with match. hold tip
of syringe in flame for a few seconds. do not let it get black. inocculate jar by injecting 1cc in each of the four holes
in lid. you want to do this at an angle so that the tip of the syringe is touching the glass and you can see the liquid run
down the side. place jars in complete darkness for 2 to 3 weeks or until jar is fully colonized i.e. the white mycelium
is completely covering jar surface. do not let jars incubate for to long as the mycelium will reach the jars lid and will
become contaminated with rust. if this happens throw the jar away. check jars periodically for contamination i.e anything
that is not white mycelium. you may notice an orange or yellow color, that means the jar has too much water. if it does not
progress you will be fine. adjust water amount of substration the next time you make it. when you see pins, small worm like
mushrooms, it is time to move the cakes to the terrarium.