The Terrarium
prep time: 30 min
items: 10 gallon fish tank
4 small suction
1 piece plexiglas, cut to size a little smaller than
fish tank
small glass vase
air pump
perlite, found
at any garden store
shot glass
plastic wrap
shipping tape,
its like plastic masking tape
plastic napkin
gauge, available at any hydro store
Wrap fish tank lid in plastic wrap so that it is air
tight, use shipping tape to secure wrap. poke a hole in corner of wrapped lid for the air pump tube. place suction cups so
that they will hold plexiglas at an angle(fig. 7). fill vase with water. insert pump tube so that it touches bottom of
vase. plug in pump. fill shot glass with perlite and moisten with water. place it on other side of tank. poke a hole in lid on opposite side of vase for hydrometer. place cakes on napkin rings, Not directly on the bottom of the tank.