Prep time: 20min
Cook time: 12 - 24hours
post cook prep time: 45min
tupperware or microwave safe bowls
dish gloves
high pantyhose
Cannabis: for every oz ad 1 to 2 sticks of butter
Preheat crock pot on highest
setting. Chop unsalted butter and place in crock pot. Bring to a boil and add marijuana. Mix well. Reduce heat; cover
and simmer anywhere from twelve to twenty four hours, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let cool, but
do not let harden. Have a friend hold panty hose. Scoop the leaves into the hosiery. Use rubber gloves to strain butter into
tupperware, be carefull butter will be VERY HOT. Place in fridge and let cool. butter will turn green as it hardens. Enjoy!
1 stick = 113 grams
When using stems we suggest tying them together with string, that way you can just toss the bundle when your done cooking.