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Geting to know ganja

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Before you start, there are a few things about marijuana that you should know. unfortunatly it's not as easy as planting a seed and watching it grow. there are some things that need to be considered, such as: Genetics, Life Cycle of the plants, Fertilizers, Light Cycles and finally Temperature. but don't worry, its not a hard as it sounds.

Getting to know ganja

Okay, so lets talk Genetics. knowing the strain is some what important. some plants bare leaves that are fat and salad-like, indica; while others have thin stringy leaves, sativa. the knowledge of what type of plant you are growing helps you to choose soil or chemicals that will best suit your plants.  the genre of the strain can also be helpful because some types of plants grow thicker or taller than others. so the more you know about your seeds or clones, the better.

When growing plants, Fertilizer is a big part of how well your plant will grow. marijuana does not grow like your typical house plant, it needs nutrients that regular potting soil or just water and rock wool can not provide. for hydroponics, the main nutrients that you will need to provide are: Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. otherwise know as N-P-K. you can find it at your local hydroponics store. there are two types of fertilizer that come in different ratios of N, P and K. they are grow formula and bloom formula. marijuana does well if you keep the pH level consistent throughout the entire growing process, about a pH of 5.8 to 6.8. all you have to do is follow the directions on the label.
The Life Cycle of the plant coincides with what type of fertilizer you should use at the time.  the plant has two distinctive stages after the seedling stage. the Vegetative Stage, occurs during long periods of light. this is when the plant will grow the most, the more vegetation, the more the plant will yield. the Budding Stage, or blooming stage, happens when the light cycle is shortened. the plant grows a little more afterwards but then stops and begins to bud.

The Light Cycle also contributs to how the plant will grow. basicly you are trying to mimic the long days of the summer and the short days of the fall. for this you will need a timer. during vegetation you will need 24 hours, consistant light to a 16 hour light cycle. when the plant starts to bud, time the lights for 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of light. the darkness must be total and unenterupted. now you cant just use any old 70 watt bulb to grow, you need Metal Halide and High-Pressure Sodium lamps. halide is used for the vegetative stage and high pressure soduim for the budding stage. for a small place like a closet, 250 watt bulbs should do nicely. you can go as high as 400 watt bulbs but this could cause the temperature to rise in your grow room.
Note: you Must run your HID and HPS light out of a Ballast! Do NOT attempt to run them out of a regular light socket, they will Explode!!!!

Temperature is another factor to think about. it should not get too hot or to cold in the grow room. mid 70s is perfect growing conditions for marijuana. you can control temperature using the ventilation.

                     Light type                    Light cycle               Formula req.

Vegetation:   Metal Halide                24 to 16 hours           high Nitrogen grow formula

Budding:      High pressure sodium   12hrs on 12hrs off     high Phosphorus formula

On to step two....
Hydroponics   or  Soil

back to cannabis

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