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Ganjascetti and meatballs

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Ganjascetti and meatballs
prep time:15 min
cook time: 30 min
items: 1lb. hamburger
          1/4 chopped onions
          1/2 cup water
          1 can cream of mushroom soup
          1/4 cup bread crumbs
          3 tbl spoons relish
          quarter kind ganja
          casserole dish with lid, frying pan
Mix everthing up except soup and water!!  form into ball shape.   brown in frying pan and drain.  place in casserole with soup and water. cover and cook for thirty minutes.
*The Sauce
you can just add buds to pre made sauce or make your will take about two hours to make though.
prep time:15 min
cook time: 2 hours
items:1 6oz can tomato paste
         2 tbl spoons olive oil
         1/2 cup chopped onions
         1/2 clove minced garlic
         1 bay leaf
         1 6oz can water
          pinch of pepper
         1/2 tsp salt
          pinch of thyme
         quarter ganja
Mix in large pot.   bring to a simmer.  cover and let cook for two hours, stirring frequently.  let cool and serve over spahgetti and ganja meatballs.   Now thatsa spicy meata ball!!

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