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Here are some yummy cures for a hangover that should do the trick.


Hair of the Dog
A classic favorite. simply have a shot or two of what ever you drank the previous evening. or a beer in some people's case.

Red Eye
prep time: 30 sec
cook time: none
Items:1 can tomato juice
         1/3 can of beer
Simply mix beer into tomato juice ....yum yum!

Bloody Mary
Prep time: 2 min
cook time: none
items: 1 cup tomato juice
          2oz fine vodka
          tabasco to taste
          worcestershire sauce to taste
          celery salt to taste
          black pepper to taste
Mix items in a glass.  enjoy.

Greasy N Cheesy
Just head over to which ever fast food joint you can stand and pick up the greasiest cheesiest burger you can get. dont forget the fries.

Hangover prevention
Its really easy to avoid a nasty hangover, all you have to do is drink water during intermission, yes you will pee more frequently but that's nothin compared to how much better you'll feel in the morn...err..afternoon.

do you have a cure for a hangover? click Here to send us your antidote and help save the world!

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